Saturday, July 30, 2011

Oh Ronnie...

Okay, not at all happy that we have Mr Reagan in the shop. I feel dirty every time I see it, but I am taking suggestions on what we should do to it when we are done with the mold.



  1. Craft a mold of Gorbachev smiling back at Reagan and put them beside each other, say, with Gorbachev's arm on Reagan's shoulder. Also, Gorbachev is naked.

  2. Make a whole diorama of GOP notables - Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh - you know, the heavy-hitters placed around him reminiscent of the assassination of Julius Caesar.

  3. Whatever you do, don't give him his arm back.

  4. A pole - well, there you have it then! If you can think of nothing else, his expression and posture are good beginnings for an Alien Chestburster (which should probably be the name of a vodka cocktail by now).
