Saturday, April 9, 2011

Wedding Rings!

My current focus is designing wedding rings for my brother and soon-to-be-siter-in-law! Still only digital, but I will update with more pictures once they are done!

More Halloween Stuff

Once again, a long delay in posting…

The past many months have been spent working on a bunch of new Halloween costumes due to be out for the 2012 season. We did over 16 different pieces this year and each one required 3-4 painted prototypes, a master casting for backup and, in some cases, two molds. Quite a bit of work and you will forgive me if the pictures are a little unorganized. Here are a bunch of photos of the various items in several stages of work. Enjoy!

Various crowns and bits of armor.

This one is part of a living severed hand gag.